
Artigiana coreografa dei diamanti mobili

Libero di muoversi

Girano, danzano, volteggiano, sembrano sfidare la forza di gravità e fanno quasi dimenticare il tempo che scorre. Non vi è nulla di più ipnotico dell’aggraziato movimento dei diamanti nel cuore degli orologi e dei gioielli Happy Diamonds. Sono tanto liberi di muoversi da sembrare vivi. Lorena, coreografa dei diamanti dal 2013, è l’Artigiana che allestisce la scena su cui gli Happy Diamonds danno vita alla loro danza infinita.

[A sustained note in the background]

(A light shines on an assorment of sparkling diamonds. Lorena uses jewellery tweezers to gently select one.)

Bringing Happy Diamonds to life is something you only learn here. Only the Maison Chopard makes jewellery like this.

(A close-up of a Happy Diamonds timepiece with the diamonds gliding over the dial.)

(On-screen text: ART, from the Latin ARS, ARTIS. Talent, skill, dexterity.)

[Soft piano music plays]

(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)

(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)

(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)

To me, an artisan creates real value because we really work with our hands.

(A portrait of Lorena.)

(On-screen text: Lorena, Choreography Artisan)

My job is to breathe life into jewellery and timepieces by adding mobile Happy Diamonds.

(Dressed in a white lab coat, Lorena sits at her workstation. She plunges the diamonds into a liquid to clean them.)

(On-screen text: Cleaning the diamonds)

When I first started working at Chopard, when I applied for a job in mechanical watchmaking, I knew I was going to learn new things, which is something I enjoy. When you enjoy what you're doing, you can learn very fast.

(On-screen text: Checking the diamond)

(Lorena studies a single diamond through a microscope.)

Happy Diamonds are diamonds that are specifically designed to spin and twirl inside jewellery and watches.

(On-screen text: Manually setting a prong-set diamond)

(Lorena delicately picks up a diamond and a clawed basket and sets the diamond carefully.)

It gives me the freedom to show all my strengths as a person and as an artisan. It's amazing to see a piece of jewellery with mobile diamonds that can move freely inside.

(On-screen text: Integrating the mobiles into the case middle)

(Lorena places the set diamond onto the crystal; it spins slightly as she sets it down. She polishes the outer crystal and puts it in place on the case.)

And to know it was made by an artisan, and not by a machine. That's what gives Chopard jewellery its value. My special talent is assembling tiny parts.

(On-screen text: Automatically gemsetting the mobiles)

(Lorena arranges the diamonds and a machine presses them into their settings.)

I've always enjoyed meticulous work. Not that I'm a very patient person, but when it comes to jewels, I'm very patient because I'm aiming for excellence.

(On-screen text: Cleaning and assembling the bezel)

It's a challenge and I have the goal of making our clients happy. Gratitude is very important. That's how my parents brought us up.

(On-screen text: Screwing down the bezel)

(Lorena polishes the bezel and lowers it onto the case. She uses tiny tools to fix it in place.)

Chopard reached out to me when I needed them, when I was looking for work. They gave me the chance to show my skills. So today, I am very grateful.

(On-screen text: Integrating the mobile into the bangle)

(Lorena places a single diamond between two crystals at the end of a bangle.)

I'm proud to work for Chopard because the Scheufele family is the image of a real family.

(On-screen text: Manually assembling the jewellery)

(Lorena assembles and carefully polishes a bangle and a pendant necklace which both feature diamonds dancing between two crystals.)

For me, it is a great Maison, and even though they have so much today, they still work very hard, because I think they know there is a family behind every employee.

(On-screen text: Fitting one of the pendant's sapphire crystals)

What I do today is something I have always wanted to do because it's my passion.

(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)

"Un grazioso balletto nel quale i diamanti si muovono seguendo il ritmo dei movimenti del corpo di chi li indossa. Oppure no."

Lorena, L’Artigiana coreografa dei diamanti mobili

Lorena, L’Artigiana coreografa dei diamanti mobili

Lorena è la coreografa dei diamanti. È lei che allestisce artisticamente la scena, li protegge delicatamente tra due vetri zaffiri e lascia loro uno spazio di libertà in tutta sicurezza. Tutto accade davanti al suo banco di lavoro. In primis, affinché possano lasciarsi andare liberamente al girotondo sui quadranti degli orologi, i diamanti mobili sono incastonati in un castone bombato. Questo ingegnoso sistema, inventato dai laboratori Chopard negli anni 1970, permette alle gemme di improvvisare i movimenti più stravaganti senza correre il rischio di rigare il vetro. Per prima cosa, Lorena pulisce accuratamente il vetro zaffiro del quadrante, poi vi deposita i diamanti mobili.

Variazioni libere e danza

Infine, chiude la cavità con il secondo vetro zaffiro, posiziona la guarnizione che sarà compressa dal vetro e servirà a mantenerlo, poi incassa quest’ultimo a mano con l’apposito strumento chiamato potenza. Tutta la perizia sta nell’applicare uniformemente la giusta pressione sull’insieme del vetro in modo da garantire la perfetta impermeabilità all’orologio o al gioiello. La sua abilità nel rispettare le esatte tolleranze garantisce, inoltre, che i diamanti godano esattamente della giusta quantità di spazio in cui muoversi allegramente, ma sempre parallelamente rispetto al quadrante, senza rimanere bloccati tra i due vetri zaffiro e senza correre il rischio di capovolgersi e di rivelare la loro parte inferiore. Non rispettano alcuna coreografia e danzano come se non dovessero smettere mai.

Dall'expertise all'emozione