
Happy Diamonds

Nel 1976 i laboratori della Maison sono in piena effervescenza: la natura è da sempre la loro prima e inesauribile fonte di ispirazione e per questo immaginano di riprodurre con i diamanti tutta la bellezza di una cascata. Nasce così il concetto degli “Happy Diamonds”, in riferimento ai riflessi di luce creati dai mille spruzzi dell’acqua. Diamanti felici perché liberi.


Diamanti in movimento

Al centro dell’ingegnoso concetto degli Happy Diamonds vi è la donna che indossa l’orologio Happy Diamonds Joaillerie e che gli ingegneri della Maison hanno reso protagonista di questo incantevole spettacolo. I diamanti mobili, guidati dai suoi stessi gesti, cadono a cascata in un movimento unico, vorticoso e leggero, quasi sfidando le leggi della gravità, per esprimere la loro eterna joie de vivre.
“Little diamonds do great things.”


Il retaggio dei diamanti in movimento

Rovesciando i codici dell’orologeria e della gioielleria di lusso a metà degli anni 1970, Chopard accompagna la metamorfosi di un’epoca caratterizzata da un vento di emancipazione delle donne e dalla liberalizzazione della società. La Maison rende omaggio a questo passato vittorioso che ha forgiato la propria identità.

[Music playing]

(On-screen text : Legacy)

(Ripped paper effect on screen, revealing different photos and jewellery underneath.)

(On-screen text : Every once in a while…)

Every once in a while, an idea emerges that can change perceptions.

(Collage-like animation of various images with a car and a camera)(On-screen text : Action!)

(Animation of an astronaut with a moon as a face in outer space. A hand with a bracelet appears from the left side.)

(On-screen text : Story)

This is a story like no other.

(The hand touches the letter O in the word "story" and turns it. The image is ripped up.)

A story from the Maison Chopard.

(On-screen text : Chopard)

(The image is ripped up and jewellery items and images relating to Chopard appear.)

(On-screen text: Diamonds are happier when they are free)

(On-screen text : Happy diamonds – Geneva, Switzerland – Le petit-fils de L.U. Chopard & Cie SA)

"Happy Diamonds" is the story of an invention.

(On-screen text : The story of an invention – with a description of the manufacturing processes by which they are produced)

One that revolutionised the world of watches and jewellery.

(Various Chopard watches)

It all began in the 70s.

(On-screen text: 1970’s)

At a time of freedom, from radical change emerged pure creativity.

(Colourful splashes of paint)

As Chopard set new horizons, dreams were set free.

(Views of a snowy mountain, palm trees and blue skies, a bridge)(views of a surfing woman, a roller-skating woman)

Music rocked the world.

(View of artists of the time)

The way we live and work was transformed.

(Views of people working)

We watched films that redefined cinema.

(Views of the Hollywood sign, a crying woman watching a film)

We travelled faster than ever before.

(View of a hand on a steering wheel, view of a bridge from a car)

(View of a concord airplane)

Fashion empowered women.

(Pictures of models)

Feminism made waves with impact.

(View of women’s marches)

Inspiring women changed the world.

(View of women speaking to journalists)

Women had power.

(On-screen text : Power.)

(On-screen text : Chopard)

With Chopard, diamonds were set free.

(Animation of a hand holding a diamond on the finger tip)

A freedom embodied by Karin and Caroline.

(Photos of Karin and Caroline)

Determined to make Chopard a force to be reckoned with.

(The letter "C" of the word "Chopard")

Their elegance and authenticity infused into the creations.

(Photo of Karin wearing a glittering earring and making jewellery)

In a realm dominated by classic style, a breath of fresh air came through the Maison. With an avant-garde idea thought to be too complicated, unleashing the freedom to create, the impossible became a reality.

(On-screen text : Avant-garde)

(Different views of diamonds)

(On-screen text : Reality)

Deep in the Black Forest, sunlight glistening on a waterfall.

(Animation of a black forest, with a magnifying glass close-up showing diamonds falling)

A vision of diamonds seized by Chopard.

(On-screen text : Chopard)

A phenomenon in a watch.

(Various Chopard watches)

An innovative twist. Diamonds spinning freely, liberated from the shackles of their past.

(Diamonds dance across the image)

(The letter "C" of "Chopard" forms in a starry sky)

These diamonds are happier when they are free. An incarnation of independent women for generation after generation to be free, to be happy.

(Various photos of women wearing Chopard jewellery)

(On-screen text : Happy)

(On-screen text : Chopard)

(On-screen text : Archives / Films credit)

(On-screen text : © Rights reserved)


Approvvigionamento responsabile

Per quanto riguarda l’origine delle creazioni di Chopard, la Maison punta alla massima trasparenza possibile e a garantire che le materie prime di alta qualità provengano da fonti responsabili.

oro etico

Concretizzando il proprio impegno per un lusso responsabile, Chopard utilizza dal 2018 oro di provenienza responsabile per la creazione dei suoi orologi e gioielli. In linea con questa etica, i modelli in oro della Maison sono realizzati in Oro Etico.

Diamanti della più Alta Qualità

Alle 4 C – Cut, Clarity, Colour and Carat weight ovvero taglio, purezza, colore e peso in carati – richieste per tutti i diamanti che Chopard acquista presso fornitori certificati dal Responsible Jewellery Council, i nostri Artigiani aggiungono la loro perizia unica per far danzare le pietre preziose.

Meet our Artisans

Le nostre "Mains d'art"

È grazie all’esperienza unica degli Artigiani di Chopard che i diamanti possono volteggiare sul quadrante. Inventati dalla Maison nel 1976, i diamanti in movimento danzano liberi sul quadrante dell’orologio grazie al talento degli Artigiani Coreografi che ne dirigono il movimento.