



[A note is sustained in the background]

(On-screen text: Chopard presents)

(A gauzy, abstract close-up of the light reflecting off gemstones and metal surfaces.)

I don’t know if I connect the past to the future but I try to convey emotions.

(On-screen text: Relief-etching the flower)

(Nathalie uses a tiny chisel to engrave a piece bearing the inscription "L.U.CHOPARD" under a microscope.)

(On-screen text: ART, from the Latin ARS, ARTIS. Talent, skill, dexterity.)

[Soft piano music plays]

(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)

(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)

(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)

My hands are guided by my thoughts when I'm engraving something.

(A portrait of Nathalie.)

(On-screen text: Nathalie, Fleurisanne-Engraving Artisan)

I joined the watchmaking world 15 years ago, but from my earliest childhood I loved drawing. It was a passion, essential to me. Then I started to work with my hands.

(On-screen text: Tracing the motif on the model)

(Close-up of a picture of an engraved piece, then of a blowtorch used to heat the piece. In her workshop, Nathalie selects a tool and begins to engrave patterns onto the heated piece.)

I was taught and trained in-house in chamfering techniques, but then I wanted to do something more artistic. I asked Chopard if they wanted to set up an engraving workshop.

(On-screen text: Sketching the outlines of the flowers)

And Mr Scheufele said to me: "At the moment, there is a fob watch in the museum. I want you to reproduce the swirls on a tourbillon movement." Wow… So we looked at it with the eyepiece, and something magical happened.

(Nathalie etches intricate floral patterns into the metal. Close-up of the inner workings of a timepiece with engraved golden flowers.)

I felt like I was travelling back in time. By magnifying the piece, I was able to see where the engraver had cut it. It's incredible, it's like I'm painting a picture. I make cuts, I bring it to life, I give it depth and emotions. And sometimes, with a single stroke of the chisel, a magical glint is produced. I've always loved painting because it soothes me and when I engrave, it’s the same. I'm in my bubble, I can't hear anything, I cut myself off from the world. There's just my engraving and me.

(On-screen text: Pricking the background dot by dot)

(Nathalie uses a pointed tool to prick the deeper parts of the engraved piece, highlighting the raised patterns and swirls.)

And I will leave a mark on the world too, as perhaps when I'm no longer here, the engraving will still be here with my own touch.

(Nathalie inspects a finished timepiece with a smile, turning it over in her hands so the jewels and patterns glint.)

I think the greatest reward is seeing clients when they visit the company and they're enthralled. That's the greatest gift.

(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)



ナタリー: フルリザンヌ彫り職人





ショパールの「MAINS D’ART(その手で芸術を生み出す職人たち)」