My Wishlist
一部のハイジュエリークリエーションは、ゴールドやプレシャスストーンで製作される前に、まずワックスで製作されます。「Mains d'Art(その手で芸術を生み出す職人たち)」が駆使する技で、こうした彫刻作品を仕上げているのがアントニーです。ジュエリー彫刻師は、委ねられたデッサンをもとに、工具を使用してこれから作られるラグジュアリージュエリーの初めの立体模型を製作します。完成したワックス製の原型は鋳型として用いられ、ゴールド製の原型が複製されるのです。
[A note is sustained in the background on string instruments]
(On-screen text: Chopard presents)
(Anthony is in his workshop, wearing a white coat embroidered with "Chopard Genève". He begins to work sculpting blocks of raw materials.)
I'm an interpreter, which means I am given a drawing, stone or theme. My job is to bring this idea to life.
(On-screen text: ART, from the Latin ARS, ARTIS. Talent, skill, dexterity.)
[Soft piano music plays]
(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)
(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)
(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)
For me, working with my hands is a fundamental need. It's my passion and a large part of my life.
(A portrait of Anthony.)
(On-screen text: Anthony, Jeweller-Sculptor Artisan)
(In his workshop, Anthony looks at a picture of a necklace with a large pendant made up of two entwined fish, their bejewelled fins forming a heart shape surrounded by stones that resemble drops of water. He begins to meticulously sculpt a maquette of the pendant in plasticine, selecting different tools to shape the material.)
I am a sculptor in high jewellery design for Chopard.
(On-screen text: Plasticine modelling)
From this material, I need to produce a jewel, a sculpture or a form.
(He places his work onto a template of the pendant, and melts the material to add some details, comparing it to a photo of the fish.)
I really put my entire being into sculpting a jewel. So, when I'm sculpting an animal, for example, that's slightly fantastic or acrobatic, I become the figure, I become the animal.
(On-screen text: Engraving)
(Anthony traces the outline of his fish pendant onto a block of wax and begins to carve the shapes out, using calipers to precisely measure each part of the piece.)
I look for the angle or pose that is the most evocative, as energetic and graceful as a dancer. So as to convey and reflect an emotion. At Chopard, nothing is set in stone.
(On-screen text: Wax scuplting)
It's a collective effort and I draw on all the opinions around me. It's a combination of everything we want to bring the jewel. It is an endless search. Some creations take a long time, but every second and minute is spent knowingly. It needs to be beautiful, it needs to be poetic.
(Anthony compares his work to his maquette, smoothing and carving it as he goes, adding details such as the fish's eyes, scales and fins.)
I really believe that when we own a jewel, it carries a part of ourselves in it, as well as the influence of the person who sculpted, made or crafted it. It's a kind of artefact or talisman. My passion and drive for sculpting jewellery, I'd love to see it echoed internally, or further afield, or in others, because with all this
technological progress, I feel like craftsmanship is dying and, for me, sculpting jewellery for Chopard helps maintain the flame of craftsmanship, which must never go out.
(Anthony places the finished wax model on top of the picture of the pendant to compare.)
(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)
「ショパール ハイジュエリーアトリエでジュエリー彫刻職人を務める私の役目は、アイデアやデッサン、ストーン、またはジュエリーのテーマそのものに命を吹き込むことです。ときにそれは長い時間を要しますが、手を使って仕事をするという、私の人生に不可欠な欲求を満たしてくれるのです。こうした探求の一瞬一瞬には、それだけの価値がある。そんな思いが私を突き動かしています」
― アントニー、ジュエリー彫刻職人
工具を使用して対象物に独自の解釈をもたらすアントニーは、創造力をいかんなく発揮することで、それまで想像でしかなかったものを現実に変えていきます。ところが、ワックスを除去して模型を作り上げたアントニーは、まるで自分自身が加工を施されるオブジェになったかのように空想にふけるのです。フラワーモチーフのファインジュエリーを製作するときは、自身が花となって咲き、動物モチーフのものを製作するときは、その動物になりきって仕草や行動を真似ようとします。こうした空想によって、アントニーは様々な生物へと変貌するのです! 彼が完成させた彫刻が、その後製作されるラグジュアリージュエリーに肩を並べるほどの完成度を持つのは当然でしょう。それがロストワックス鋳造アトリエで溶かされると、ほぼ同じフォルムのゴールドに姿を変えるのです。