


워치메이킹 직업이 미래에도 이어질 수 있도록, 쇼파드는 젊은 인재들에게 가장 포괄적인 4년제 교육을 제공하여 CFC(Federal Certificate of Capacity, 연방 기술 자격)를 보유한 워치메이커로 성장할 수 있게 합니다. 제네바 워치메이킹 학교(Geneva Watchmaking School) 프로그램에는 기본적인 요구 사항 외에도 2010년 매뉴팩처에서 개발한 “school watch”에 동력을 공급하는 무브먼트에 대한 연구가 포함됩니다. 학위를 취득한 졸업생 중 일부는 메종에 고용되는 행운을 얻기도 합니다. 바로 이것이 19세의 워치메이커 메간이 원하는 바입니다.

[Sustained note]

(On-screen text: Chopard presents)

(Close-up of a watch movement, Mégane delicately puts a spring in place.)

My greatest memory at Chopard was the tour when I arrived. We went to see all the departments and professions, it was so interesting.

(Mégane sits down in her workshop, wearing a lab coat and eyepiece.)

What I really loved was the Chopard museum with all the pieces that have played a part in Chopard's history.

[Soft piano music plays]

(On-screen text: The word ART becomes ARTISAN.)

(On-screen text: From expertise to emotion. Chopard)

(A black and white graphite sketch of the palm of a hand, surrounded by the words EXPERTISE, CREATIVITY, EMOTION.)

So we always use both hands, one to keep the movement in place and the other to assemble.

(A portrait of Mégane.)

(On-screen text: Mégane, Apprentice Watchmaker)

One holds and the other works.

(On-screen text: Pinning up to the collet)

(Mégane uses tiny tools to work on a balance spring.)

But for the balance-spring, it's one tool in each hand, and you use both of them. When you start out, you're not ready to do that. You need to be ambidextrous, it's impossible.

(On-screen text: Bevelling)

As a child, I knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to be an art teacher or something similar. I wanted to do something with my hands, I looked into all kinds of trades, I saw watchmaking and I went for an introductory course at Chopard.

(A woman oversees Mégane working in the workshop.)

That is when I said: "That's what I want to do". There isn't a typical day, it always changes because we all do different things.

(On-screen text: Turning)

We start by working on the study timepiece first, on the micro-mechanics, and that is really our piece, our work, we spend many hours working on it. Polishing is a step I like a lot because it really enhances a piece, it takes a lot of time.

(On-screen text: Mirror-polishing)

You don't realize how long it takes, how far you can go to achieve perfection, which I love.

(On-screen text: Pivoting)

Pivoting, a technique that isn't used much any more, fascinates me, because you can do it all by hand, which is what I love. We then make the balance-spring, which is very complicated to make, it takes months to master it. Something else I love is at the end when you see the mechanism moving and working. You can very quickly upset something and it won't work any more. Actually yesterday it was the first time that I mounted a bridge that I made myself onto my piece. It was so beautiful, fully finished, I put it into place and saw that it worked, that's what is beautiful. You feel proud because it takes so long and the slightest thing can stop it from working, it's amazing to be able to say: "I made that".

(Mégane turns her balance-spring gently with a brush.)

Maybe one of the watches we've assembled and cased up will be worn somewhere across the world and it's us who finished the piece.

(On-screen text: Assembly)

(Close-up of a watch movement.)

It's amazing. I think this job suits me as I am a very shy person. I think this job is a good fit for me.

(Mégane puts parts in place on the movement.)

I love that the House of Chopard is like a big family. In every department, you can find former Chopard apprentices. It's a job I would like to do forever. It's the only thing I like.

(Mégane holds up the finished timepiece, studies it.)

(On-screen text: Chopard - The artisan of emotions - Since 1860)



メガーヌ, 時計製造見習い職人

このような先進的な取り組みは、ショパールにとって初めてのことではありません。 ショパールは1980年代に宝石職人のトレーニングを、1988年からはジュネーブでの時計職人のトレーニングを開始しています。 すでにショパールで時計製造インターンシップに参加していたメガーヌは、職業訓練中等学校の11年生を終えたばかりの2018年、15歳で見習いを始めました。 4年間の見習い期間中、学生はムーブメントの組み立てと修理、注油、検査の方法を学びます。まず最初に、トレーニング中および職業に就いてからも使用する複数の道具の制作から始めます。 また、学生は初年度からインターンシップとしてメゾンの複数の部門に配属されます。


研修期間全体を通して、見習い職人は「卒業プロジェクトウォッチ」に取り組み、コース終了時にはその時計を自分のものにすることが許可されます。 ホワイトの文字盤を備えたこの特別なモデルは、それぞれの見習い職人にとってかけがえない作品であり、自分の名前と制作年が刻印されます。 それぞれの時計は、クロノメーター認定を取得するためのCOSC検査を受けた後、カール-フリードリッヒ・ショイフレから卒業生1人1人に正式に授与されます。 これは、すべての見習い職人にとってだけでなく、専門技術の継承に深く関わってきたショパールの共同社長にとっても重要な瞬間です。


ショパールの「MAINS D’ART(その手で芸術を生み出す職人たち)」